“Io Capitano” wins two awards at the Venice Film Festival!
-We are delighted to announce that Matteo Garrone’s IO CAPITANO has won two awards at the 80th Venice International Film Festival! Seydou Sarr was awarded the Marcello Mastroianni Prize for Best New Talent, and Matteo Garrone was awarded the Silver Lion for Best Director.
Collateral prizes were also awarded independently by film critics’ associations, cultural clubs and associations, and film professionals. IO CAPITANO won the following awards:
– XXXV CICT – UNESCO “Enrico Fulchignoni” Award | International Council for Film, Television and Audiovisual Communication (CICT-UNESCO)
– Civitas Prize | Civitas ETS Foundation
– Edipo Re Award | Edipo Re Srl Sociale
– FEDIC Award | Federazione Italiana dei Cineclub – Best Film
– Francesco Pasinetti Award | National Union of Italian Film Journalists
– ImpACT Award | Think-impact Production
– Lanterna Magica Award | National Association C.G.S.
– Leoncino d’Oro Award | Agiscuola, UNICEF
– La Pellicola d’Oro Award | Ass.ne Culturale “Articolo 9 Cultura & Spettacolo” and S.A.S. Cinema” : Best Production Manager : Claudia Cravotta
– SIGNIS Award | SIGNIS International (World Catholic Association for Communication)
– Soundtrack Stars Award | Free Event and Sindacato Nazionale Giornalisti Cinematografici Italiani
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